Duke Altman, P.E., CFM

Director of Public Works
Duke Altman is an expert in floodplain modeling and mapping ranging from conceptual planning of related studies (developing mapping activity statements and scopes of work as well as project schedules and budgets) to the completion of all activities, which in some instances has included the design and/or construction of improvements. Mr. Altman has worked as a project manager, design engineer, and/or principal-in-charge on a variety of projects and programs. His broad experience includes floodplain management studies/designs, drainage master planning, stormwater quality treatment studies and facility designs, stream restoration evaluations and designs, drainage policy and criteria development, river basin water resources studies, roadway/bridge designs, site/land development, and coastal engineering. His technical experience includes the preparation of design plans, specifications, and estimates for flood control and stormwater quality treatment facilities, stream restoration/stabilization structures, detention facilities, streets, bridges, and other drainage features.

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